Tag Archives: life in the UK

Published in The Guardian


In the run up to the election, The Guardian is running an interesting initiative to publish the views of immigrants in the UK about what life is like for them in thiscountry. I learnt about it after a friend shared a link about this on Facebook and felt it was a great idea to be able to voice one’s views on an established platform. I have been in the UK for over 3 years now and while I love my independence here, I equally miss my family’s emotional support I had back home in India. And I am not the only one who feels this way, a lot of my friends have such mixed feelings as well.

I decided to submit my contribution for the Guardian’s UK immigrant voices initiative. A few minutes I received an email that their team had decided to publish my inputs. My first story was published 10 years ago when I had started my career with a start-up tech magazine, but getting published still gives me the greatest joy.

You may read my published post here:


If you think you have something to say, please go ahead and share your views as well.